Office Space in Town

Market-leading office provider outlines its key goals

Leading serviced office provider, Office Space in Town (OSiT), have some of the most extravagant office spaces to their name but in the last 12 months, they have also started to make a name for themselves when it comes to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). 

Back in May 2021, Georgia Sandom, OSiT’s Operations and ESG Director, released the company’s first ESG pack, which laid out areas of priority, achievements to date and the why behind any current and future plans.

Since then, there has been no going back. This year the company released their first ESG Annual Report as well as establishing the OSiT Sustainability Committee (The Green Team). The focus of the Green Team is to lead the charge internally at OSiT and to create a culture where the business strives to be more eco-friendly, safe, caring and efficient. 

With a clear focus on operations and culture, Georgia and The Green Team will be working on policies, processes and ESG-related initiatives that help spread the message throughout the company. The team meets on a monthly basis to discuss progress, share ideas and ultimately, make a difference. 

Georgia said:

“ESG principles have long been at the heart of OSiT’s mission, but there is a lot of work to be done in ensuring we continue to meet and exceed these standards. We want ESG to be woven into our business strategy, and we will achieve this by continuing to improve and measure our efforts.”

Office Space in Town

With eight office space locations and 50-plus employees across the UK, OSiT has an impact on its employees and shareholders, the environment, and the communities surrounding the business. 

With these things in mind, the three core areas of focus within OSiT’s ESG plans moving forward are the wellbeing of the OSiT team, giving back to the local community, and reducing the impact the business has on the planet. 

When it comes to people, priorities for OSiT over the next 12 months include learning and development, wellbeing, empowerment, culture, and equal opportunities. As part of the above, members of the OSiT team are partaking in personal development courses and leadership courses in partnership with companies like Meaning 4 Life and Udemy.  

When talking about impact on the planet, Georgia and her team are focussed on widening the scope of OSiT’s carbon footprint measurement and further understanding energy consumption within the business, all with the ultimate goal of reducing the impact that operations have on the planet. 

Working with companies like Savills, OSiT have been able to further analyse their consumption data and continue to put new partnerships and strategies in place to either reduce usage or offset. OSiT consumption data for the last quarter can be found in the company’s data centre. 

In terms of giving back to the community, it’s hard to knock OSiT’s generosity. Every year the company has a charity of choice that it supports alongside multiple charity initiatives spread throughout the calendar year. In the last 18 months the team have supported Winnie’s Charity, The Hackney Food Bank, Shelter from the Storm, Great Ormond Street, Lewisham Mayoresses food bank, Whittington Hospital for Children and St Bart’s Hospital

Giles Fuchs, Chairman of OSIT, said:

“The development of OSiT’s strategy around ESG commitments will be vital to the long-term vision and performance of the company, and there is no one better than Georgia to lead us into this future.”

OSiT’s ESG pack and ESG Annual Report are available to download at or visit

Office Space in Town
Georgia Sandom
OSiT’s Operations and ESG Director