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Responding to the threat of cyber crime

As technology advances, businesses increasingly grow to rely on it – creating endless opportunities for organisational development, but at the same time, bringing with it a growing threat from cyber criminals.

Since 2010, Keybridge IT Solutions has been providing support and services to clients across the UK, in a number of industries but predominantly in the recruitment sector. That includes fully managed IT support, the monitoring and maintaining of devices, the integrating and administering of software such as Office 365, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Business Voice and EM&S, and providing security, back-up and disaster recovery support.

Now, in response to the growing threat of cyber crime, Keybridge IT Solutions has launched KB Security, an extension of the security provision that is already built in to Keybridge’s service, but providing security that goes beyond standard anti-virus protection and into the world of malware and monitoring of the dark web.

Andy Hinxman, who founded Keybridge IT Solutions after working in IT support in the recruitment sector for more than ten years, established KB Security earlier this year to tackle an increasing threat.

Keybridge IT Solutions operates on a business model that charges clients a fixed cost per person per month,”

Andy explained.

That means that no one has to think about whether or not there will be an additional cost when they call us. Our clients want to be able to pick up the phone whenever there’s a problem, or have anyone in the business able contact us at any time, even if that’s just for a bit of advice about how to use a particular function or if they’re uncertain about something. So they don’t have to worry about any additional or hidden costs, that’s all included within the monthly fee for allour services.

“IT is so important to a business these days, but while we’re benefiting from the fact that everything is becoming so advanced, it does mean that organisations really do need the support of experts, whether that’s an in-house IT department or an outsourced solution, and leave them to worry about the technical side of things.”

Andy finds that while most businesses appreciate the role technology plays, there can still be a reluctance to make it any more ‘complicated’ than it needs to be. Most businesses embrace the idea of the cloud, Office 365 and the different Microsoft platforms, but limit their use, often because they don’t fully appreciate the breadth of functions available to them and may be concerned that they’re not completely in control. 

It can be complicated,” said Andy, “but it makes good business sense to get full use from what you’re paying for, or even to pay a little bit more for it, and we can help clients get to grips with that and understand the benefits of what’s available.

“Unfortunately, cyber crime is becoming more and more sophisticated, and every business is at risk – often with devastating consequences if you are hacked and data is compromised – and so most businesses need to do more. Although Keybridge IT Solutions’ services include basic security protection, it’s impossible to offer any higher level of cyber security provision within the basic monthly fee. That’s why we took the decision to set up KB Security, a dedicated practice that complements what we already do for clients and opens up our services to a wider market.”

KB Security’s own trained and certified technicians, with more than 20 years’ IT experience behind them, partner with the best in the industry to offer 24/7 monitoring of clients 365 activity. That monitoring feeds through to a specialist Security Operations Centre (SOC) and any suspicious activity is relayed back to the KB Security system.

Andy said:

It’s pretty frightening when you think about the risks now, because a lot of the breaches are down to human error. Emails are targeted at particularly vulnerable times, so if it arrives when people are tired, or finishing off for the day, there’s a better chance they will let their guard down and open it. The hackers know this and take advantage. It’s important not only to do what we can to filter out those threats before they land, but to do more to help people understand what to look out for.

“Importantly, businesses that are tendering for contracts will find they are being increasingly asked to detail their security provision. Their potential clients want to know that they have sufficient protection in place before they will enter into a contract with them, so it’s vital to be ahead of the game and have proven systems in place.”

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